Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hormones maybe?

Before I am a mom, and before I'm a girlfriend, I'm CARRIE. I'm so proud of the person I am, and I'm always working hard to make sure my loved ones are happy... but pregnancy sometimes plays with your emotions.

Coping with stress is one of the hardest things to do pregnant. Your still the same person you were before you got pregnant therefore, the same things aggravate you and upset you, but getting too stressed out hurts the baby so in order to deal with it, I've just ignored everything., and in the process forgotten who I am. I've had my share of mood swings this pregnancy, and currently I have days where I just feel like nothing about me specifically matters, it's everyone else.

Pregnancy is one of the most amazing things life has to offer, but just like everything else in life, there are parts of it that are extremely hard to deal with (any mom who says different is lying! I know it.) I've been left up at nights worried about my new role as a mom, how our financial situation will be, the physical changes to my body are exciting/overwhelming at the same time and lastly, is the adjustments in my relationship.

The best way to handle these things I've realized is talking about it (imagine that?) and making time for myself.

I decided to blog about not just the amazing things pregnancy has offered me, but I wanted to share the challenges too... so for all of you who still have yet to be pregnant, don't feel alone! and hopefully it helps a little to know its all completely normal.

I've read blogs by other mothers, and they really helped shed some light on these problems because the majority of people deal with them.

Things that have helped:
-Relaxing. People say relaxing and many things come to mind, but the best way for me to relax has been by taking baths with some candles haha, and the lights off. It makes me feel at peace! weird? maybe, but afterwards I feel like a million times better
-Keeping Friends, Family and my Baby Daddy<3 in the loop. I go to different people with my different problems and it helps keep me on ground.

Today I feel like a million dollars, and am so proud of my family-to-be. :) I just wanted to ramble a little bit about the struggles that come with this sometimes.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


2o weeks, We are HALF WAY THERE Ladies & Gents!

Just rambling for this week:
  • I was so excited to take this picture because half-way there seems so surreal.
  • This week I thought alot about where I'd be if i wasn't pregnant. I know girls my age live for going out, dressing all dolled up, impressing the boys, partying and I can't say I wouldn't be doing that If I wasn't pregnant......but I feel like I have so much to live for now. A meaning, obviously but I'm so happy and content with my life. Getting pregnant at a young age can be difficult, and I can totally see where girls would struggle because you see everyone doing one thing, and you are forced to do another, but trust me...if you ever get to that point: be thankful! This life is one thousand times better.
  • On the controversy, this week I started getting morning sickness? MORNING SICKNESS AT 6 MONTHS? come again please?!?! but yes. I started throwing up pretty bad after meals that were a bit spicy, and this morning I had my first official freak out which almost had me at the hospital. Jeff and I got smoothies because I thought drinking those would be more beneficial and ease the nauseousness, than I got to work and ate some faustos.... within minutes I was literally passing out and puking everywhere so I called the doctor ASAP and contemplated all day whether to go to the hospital. Luckily I had some nice co-workers help calm me down untill the doctor called me back which revealed I wasn't on that great of a diet & that was it. She said stop all dairy products and spicy food.......wahhhhhhh.......and cut down on sugar. Although this sucks because if you know me, spicy food, ice cream and milk are my FAV's, it's worth it. Let's see how I do! Hopefully no more scares.
  • I'm really thinking about doing the babies room in safari theme! I love these particularly:

    I think I could work with this and make it TO DIE FOR cute :)
  • Last but not least, work! ahhhh....exhausting. I've been putting way too much in lately, and I'm very thankful for my job, but I'm in desperate need for just some time AWAY. I put in for a week off starting next week, and I am already pumped about it and started planning loads of things I've been wanting to do forever now. I really need to learn how to manage my time and stop putting work above everything. It's important, but in the long run, school and family and house work and things like that need to get done just as much.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

19 weeks

So this week I didn't get to do my chalkboard picture. Reason being is I'm spending time at my dads, so I decided just to do some quick snap shots of my bare belly :)

My baby

Due Date: July 20th, 2012

Do you know the sex? A fabulous little boy

Any names? We love Conner and Caden! I’m sure the list will build, but when I’m talking about him, I refer to him as Conner….so………:D

Any Ultrasounds? We have one this week, So excited! I’ve had two, one when we first found out and one when we found out the sex. Each time he looks so different, but what else can I expect…it’s because he’s growing and looking more and more human each time! Last time he definitely looked a little like a Alien……hope that’s changed hahah!

Have you heard the heart beat? Of course we have! We hear it at every appointment and I’m never tired of it.

Who do you think it will look like? I haven’t really thought of this much yet which is surprising to me. Jeff said he had my nose in our last ultrasound and then I totally saw it, so I’m hoping a little bit of both.

Will the baby have siblings? He better have siblings, just not for a couple years! Life is so unexpected so you never know what is to come, but I want a couple years in between each other so I have quality time with each one and I also think that’s a good age gap between the few.

Have you felt the baby move? I THINK so! I’m pretty positive I’ve felt him a couple times, but they are so short and weak that I can’t really describe it. It almost feels like your stomach is about to growl, but it doesn’t. It just beats in these couple spots a few times and then it’s over. Weird!

Are you ready for a baby? Ohhhhhhhhhh boy, how do you answer this question? Is anyone ever ready? I’m definitely not rushing this pregnancy at all, I need the time to adjust and mature and just adapt to all these changes. When you think of 9 months, you think you have forever in front of you……….but than it comes…and months pass by….and before you know it your half way there! It really seems like just yesterday I was partying with friends and worrying about the stupid stuff like drama, gossip, shopping……now I have a new life in front of me that takes some getting used to. It has so many more things to offer and I wouldn’t change being pregnant for the world, but I just want to enjoy the time I have to get ready. For now, I say Nooo I am not ready for a baby…but I am getting there!

Do you talk to the baby? Eh, not really. I rub “him”, but I think once he starts kicking, I’ll feel a lot more connected and everything will feel a lot more real. Than I’ll talk to him until the sun goes down and rises in the morning.

Do you still feel attractive? I always thought that I would embrace pregnancy and have a glow to me that was apparent to everyone. Not really the case though. I do have days where I feel cute and I have days when I feel like I got run over by a train. It just depends on my mood. This week I got all dressed up and took pictures JUST to remind myself I’m a mother now yes, but I’m still me and It’s important to feel worthy and feel good about yourself. I hope I’ll be “glowing” one day soon