Friday, April 13, 2012

26 weeks

"26 weeks, End of our 2nd trimester; one more to go!"

  1. Weekly Weights & Measurements: I'm still at about 20 lbs gained since the day I found out I was pregnant. This is a lot more than I originally wanted to gain, but your body isn't really your body when your pregnant. I read an important quote in my favorite pregnancy book that went something like this "Your body is somebody's home right now, it's not really yours....and don't obsess over it by going to the gym every day and working too hard because god forbid if something were ever to happen, you wouldn't want it to be something that could have been prevented" SO...this has been my philosphy on the weight-gain. It doesn't mean I wish I was a little more attractive and obviously didn't blow up this huge, but I guess pregnancy modeling just wasn't in the cards for this girl haha. I will live........
  2. Tests & their results: I have a glucose test on the 25th too test for diabetes. I never knew this until I was scheduling the appointment, but around this time women get screened for diabetes because during pregnancy, it's much more likely to develop & than go away after pregnancy. There is a big fancy name for it, I don't remember it, I just know long-name-short: diabetes. We will see! Other than that, Jeff and I are debating getting a 3D Ultrasound or not. I am not scheduled to get any more ultrasounds, and I'm so anxious to see what he looks like now that he's a big boy! On the other hand, I think waiting for that big moment of seeing him and not having any clue what he was going to look like is sooooo worth the wait. Right now, it's up in the air, but I think I'm up for waiting for that big surprise :)
  3. Reactions to your developing body: I'm really not to bummed out at my new body. I'll admit, it's definitely not a time I'll remember for being extremely confident, but I'm pregnant! I don't really stand in front of the mirror crying at all the unappealing changes because I'm determined and focused on getting rid of them right after the baby is here. Right now I want to focus on stuff I can control, and my body isn't one of those so I haven't been reacting too crazy. What has been pretty wild for me to get use too is the physical changes that happen OVER NIGHT. Being able to get out of bed the same way I have the last 20 years is the first change that's weird getting used too. My back isn't strong enough and strains way too much now if I don't take my time, pace myself and pull myself up with all my muscles. My belly is also super big now, I swear it happen over night, and get's in the way of me crossing my feet and curling up like I have my whole life. It's just not comfy and feels like I'm cutting off my airways somewhere haha.
  4. Questions to ask the doctor: I am asking my doctor a bunch of questions at my next doctor's visit. Some of them that I have written down are:
    • What do Braxton Hicks Contractions feel like
    • What type of birth controls are out there and the differences between them
    • When can I get back on birth control after delivery?
    • Any suggestions for birthing classes
    • My salt intake- how it effects me
  5. Cravings and Mood Swings: I haven't been craving anything besides Rocky Road Ice-Cream. Love that stufff! and my moods are pretty consistent this week. I noticed myself being really deep & sentimental today lol. I was asking Jeff a million questions about his childhood because I feel like I should know him more for dating him for 6 years so if I found a scar on his back, I asked him to tell me the story and I can listen to him talk for hours & getting so excited to have these two boys in my life, Conner & Jeffrey Doran :)
  6. Changes happening to the body and the mind: This week I called my nurse in a freak panic, and was really close to driving to the hospital. Long story short, I woke up and had severe SEVVERE swelling in my feet and ankles. they were so swollen, I couldn't even put my feet in my shoes, and I was really scared about preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a disease that women sometimes develop in Pregnancy and it can't be prevented. It's really harmful to the baby and mother, and one of the biggest symptoms are swelling & vomiting (both of these I had all week which is why I was freaking out.) Anyways, the doctor had told me that based off the stuff I told her I was eating, I could be reacting really sensitively too salt and swelling when a meal had too much salt for my body's liking. I elevated my legs all night, and found that she was right! My feet were all better the next morning, but they do swell up based off what I eat. What sucks is not having the time to make everything I should be eating. My nurse told me that even eating mac-n-cheese out of the box is filled with salt and unhealthy, but I realistically will not find time to sit at home and make 30 minutes meals all day! I have started paying attention the sodium intake I digest, and keeping it under/around the max count she told me.....It' s hard work, but I'm glad it's nothing that could harm the baby! and my nurse........she's such a Biiiiiiiotch. She's so judgmental, and I feel like she talks down to me every time I call. I was really stubborn at first and didn't think she was right, but she was haha. I feel really good about naming our son Conner! It sounds perfect, and I know I love it because everytime a child runs by me and I even think I heard the mom call him Conner, I go up to her and tell her how cute his name is and ask what the middle name is lol! Jeff doesn't really like the spelling CONNOR, he likes CONNER a lot better, and I'm not opposed to it so if it's something he's really passionate about than CONNER it is. I really like the name: Conner Dean Doran or Conner Riley Doran (Jefff hates Riley so I'm not sure if I'll win this one any time soon.) Other than that, the names are being eliminated and we are getting close!!

    * I also am so proud of baby boy for his big kicks! He kicks so tough now it makes my tummy rock, and if a blanket is laying on time, it fluffs up a little if he's doing his summersaults. It's the best feeling!! His kicks keep me grounded. If I ever start getting too emotional, or too exhausted from pregnancy, his kicks keep me motivated. I love him so much!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

25 weeks, Happy Easter!


How far along: 25 weeks.

Total Weight Gain: do we have to talk about this? hahah it's like 19 lbs. I feel like I've put on a total of 55lbs though. my back is in bad condition, i ended up seeing a doctor for the sharp pains and I see a chiropractor about once a week. And as of last week, I can't get myself out of bed entirely on my own using my back lol, it's more like a roll-to-the-side, use your arms and legs, "let's hope we're lucky" process now getting out of bed haha.

Maternity Clothes: I dont think I could own anything otherwise at this point! The only thing not maternity is my pajamas. I bought some lounging shorts a couple months ago, and loved them, but there super snug now so it's time to invest in some more.... I have one pair of yoga pants that I wear like daily to work, i can't even tell you how much I hate putting those on every morning. I miss having a closet full of amazing options, but my maternity jeans are nothing to complain about :) love those babies.

Sleep: alright, this is the worst. I swear I'm pulling in around 3 hours of sleep a night? I can't wait till my next doctor visit to see what he recommended for this because I'm barely getting by. I know a lot of the reason I can't sleep is I'm just getting use to Connor's kicks and he especially kicks and somersaults at night, but last night I was feeling really anxious. My anxiety was through the roof every time I would wake up, I felt like crap, so I think, subconsciously, I'm getting really nervous now that baby kicks are there and my house is slowly feeling up with baby furniture! Even right now, I woke up like two hours ago, and I feel like it's nap time already. lol :/

Miss anything: Yes! I'm coming up to the end of my second trimester, and my baby is HUGE, therefore, I'm huge. Being huge has never been more uncomfortable, especially with a incredibly important tummy to protect, when I do try to bike ride & squat. Jeff has been really awesome about pushing me to keep working out and as much as I complain, cry and hate him for it...after that hour, I'm super thankful lol. I'm missing wine! and my hair has grown an incredible amount (as amazing as that sounds..yes I'm about to complain's awful to tame and straighten and control...haha)

Movement: Yes! He's a kicker, and I can feel him strong enough to track his movement. It's a scary feeling when he naps too long, and I don't feel him kick, so I'm learning the different ways that get him kicking lots. So far, I've figured out that the three, never to fail, "let's get connor kicking" strategies are 1)drink an entire bottle of water 2) lay on my back, flat and wait about 60 seconds 3)eat an entire meal, a little pass the point of comfort. and kicks feel great, for the most part.

Food Cravings: I have Arby's once a day! When I look back to this pregnancy, I'll remember how thankful I was for Arby's!

Things making you sick yet: I just get really nauseious if I can't get too food fast enough, or skip breakfest. This is actually a big change for me because the baby needs this food to grow, but more times than not, I'm not hungry & my body will get sick from not eating. I've learned to control this and I've learned when I need food, but this is about the only reason I ever get sick.

Starting to show yet: Oooooooooh yes. I'm rocking swollen ankles, huge boobs and the baby bump! 100% pregnant

Best moment this week:
  • We registered at babies-r-us! It was so fun, and also so scary, because I had no idea what some of that stuff was in there. I learned eventually, and I'd say I'm pretty pro-status now haha, but at first I was just about binkies & bibs. I didn't know the first thing about humidifiers, swaddle blankets, breast pumps.
  • We decided on doing Connor's room with the Lion King Crib set! It's seriously to die for.I love it so much!

  • Easter has been the only holiday I could really celebrate during my pregnancy so my sisters, dad and brother painted my belly with a cute little easter egg!