30 weeks!
When I first found out I was pregnant, I swore I'd never get to taht point where your "anxious" for the baby. I remember myself saying this exact quote to friends & family..."9 months is not nearly enough time to get things ready so I need to start now..." What was I thinking haha, dare I say it, but I am BEYOND ready to meet baby Conner and he still has some cooking to do in there so until than...I'll attempt to wait patiently and enjoy it. We will see how this goes. lol
In the meantime, I wanted to steer away from the normal questions I always fill out. I found this a few days ago and I'm going to fill it out instead. :)
How did you find out you were pregnant? By taking a home pregnancy test at my mama's.
How many? I think 3boxes, which is 5 tests. I took a
whole box by myself, than had my mom run to get more, and than Jeff
wanted to continue taking them that night incase I wasn't "doing them
right." HA! 6 tests later...SUPRISE we are pregoooo!
What were your 1st symptoms? I'd had some weird
cramps that didn't necessarily hurt, but were way different than my
normal cramps. I also hadn’t had a period in a while and people kept
saying my boobs looked huge.
Who did you tell first? Mama! Than Jeffrey, than my sister. Than we waited until the shock period was over haha.
Who was with you when you found out? I was with my
mom, I mean at her house, but I had taken the test seriously not
thinking it’d be positive so I just went alone, took it and than started
texting. I was a complete mess after seeing the
positive sign and I realize not because I was pregnant, but because it
was such a big surprise. I’m not a fan of surprises. I like stuff
planned and organized down to the nitty gritty.
My 1st reaction: Not good. Crying, shaking, and freaking out. For about four minutes
Was your baby planned? Nope. Biggest surprise of my (our) life.
How far were you when you found out? At first I had
no idea until I went to the clinic. I remember it was a weekend so I
had to wait all weekend to go to the clinic, it was awful. The clinic
estimated 6 weeks. Than I went to my doctor’s
appointment and he said 9 weeks. .
How did your parents react? My mom bought my test
because she was the one grocery shopping at the time and I threw it in
her basket haha. Because I’ve bought them before and nothing turned up
and because my doctor had told me the chances
of me getting pregnant right now with the problems I had would be hard,
she said it was “a waste of money.” Hahahahh. Than she kept saying
“your not pregnant. Your not pregnant.” So when I took my test and
started screaming down the hall, she stood there really
shocked but she's been so supportive and excited. My dad..who I felt would completely explode at me...was SO excited! He was just mad I told him last lol
My baby
Due Date: July 22nd, 2012
Do you know the sex? A fabulous little boy
Any names? Conner!
Any Ultrasounds? I've had three throughout my entire pregnancy. I wish I had more, but what can ya dooo....
Have you heard the heart beat? Of course. Every month. You can actually hear it if you lay on my tummy. It's so fast and strong.
Who do you think it will look like? I kind of realized I always picture him in my mind like me just because I saw his nose and I know he got that from me. When it comes down to it though, I hope he has a little bit more of his daddy though so he will be so handsome
Will the baby have siblings? of coursee.. I'm stoked to settle down for babies now. I don't want anymore for a few years, but I mean I plan on having a big old family, in seattle :)
Have you felt the baby move? AHHHHH yes he is kicking. my. butt. Literally. I went to the movies with Jeffrey and at this point, sitting in a theatre chair is probably the most uncomfortable thing in the world. I was so restless. and I got so nauseous I had to leave. I think Conner could hear the movie and was reacting to it because he was kicking,rolling,punching me so hard I got SICK. Ever since than though (which was three days ago,) I've realized he's at a whole new powerful stage of kicking. Everyone can see him kick through my tummy. its pretty sweet :)
Did you have morning sickness? Ugh, yes. Awful
Did you have any cravings? I’ve basically lived off
of the same foods, just in stages. Milk (cold cold cold milk), nacho cheeeese on everything and drum sticks are the current faves. So healthy right? haha ugh
Did you have any mood swings? Ha! All of the time. Jeffrey is a God for dealing with me. it's more just either ecstatic and super happy, or really irritable.
Are you a high risk pregnancy? Nope.
Any complications? Nope. thankfully
Formula or Breastfeeding? Breastfeeding
Have you bought anything for the baby yet? Oh he has his own dresser already. Just clothes and a bassinet so far. I don't want to buy anything until my baby shower.
When did you start to show? Hm I think I felt like I was showing when I was about 11/12 weeks, but I didn't really look pregnant to complete strangers untill about 17+ weeks
How long could you wear your regular clothes? I still squeeze into regular shirts and pajamas, but I think just within the last month I gave up jeans.
Will you keep the baby’s clothes?Yes! for his brothers :)
Home or Hospital? Hospital.
Natural or Medicated birth? I want the epidural. For sure.
Who will be in the delivery room with you? This has changed a bit lately. At first I was going to have it open to close friends and family, anyone who wanted to be because I think child birth is so life-changing, but I've realized how special this is for Jeff and he wants something a lot more private... he deserves that so were talking about this right now.
Do you think you will need a C-section? I don't think so because I fill the baby kicking in my ribs which probably means he's where he should be. I'm really rooting to not have a C-section because I don't want to be healing for soooo long.
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the 1st time? I don't really cry when special things happen, I'm just in a serious state of shock and complete silence. I haven't really imagined this part yet....so we will see.
What’s the 1st thing you might say to the baby? I love youuu!
Will you let anyone video tape the birth? ehhh no.
Are you excited? While this seems like such a easy question, the bare truth that most women won't tell you is all the emotions they feel, exciting being one of them. I've been really nervous (to have everything ready in time), overwhelmed (when I was working too much and going to school because my body just isn't the same and it's exhausting,) blessed (because I feel like this life is the most meaningful. There really isn't any other purpose out there to me that provides more happiness than family.
Who will help you with the baby after the birth? I moved in with my mom to save money so I could enjoy maternity leave a little better so probably her and my sister, of course Jeffrey.
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant? I really
What is the worst thing about being pregnant? maybe the swollen ankles sucks the worst or the shortness of breath, nauseous, the headaches, BACKACHES, excessive hair growth....haha i'll stop there. I've realized some women love pregnancy and some women do not. I'm
thankful to have such a healthy baby, but pregnancy has worn out it's
welcome hahah.
What’s one thing you miss doing since being pregnant? I miss tanning, and sleeping on my tummy! I also miss walking places like the beach or the mall without excessively worrying I'll have to pee and not make it to a restroom.
Any days you wish you were not pregnant? Of course not. I don't mean that sarcastically either lol. I love my baby boy so much. YES the process could be a little nicer on women but I am glad to experience it.
Are you ready for a baby? I think so! Ready as we’ll ever be
Do you have insurance? Health insurance, yes. Maternity insurance, negative.
How many kids do you want? the more and more I think about this... I think four is a perfect number because it's pretty big, but nothing too big. That could change, but I'd like four.
Do you talk to the baby? I haven't really talked to him...I know sometimes if I'm in a really sappy mood I say things like "love you little baby." but I mostly rub him and play with him.
Do you still feel attractive? I don't feel ATTRACTIVE like I did before I was pregnant, I mean I'm never looking in the mirror super confident and excited with what I'm wearing, but I don't really feel self-conscious. I mean maybe I should be? but I don't think anyone really looks at anything besides my belly anyways so It's helped.
Have you had your baby shower yet? It's next month. Can't wait! but actually yes I can. I still have to get Conner's room ready haha.
Do you like kids? I don't like 'all kids,' I mean I've never been the type of person that went out of my way to play with little kids and stuff, but I'm sure I'll LOVE mine :))))))
How far along are you now? 30 weeks and some days!